New test for prostate cancer in US is saving lives
A new test for prostate cancer is leading to quicker diagnosis and treatment for men with the condition. Catherine Scott reports.
Retired West US GP, Dr Dhirubhai Mistry, 72, who now performs philanthropic work around the world, is one of the first people to benefit from a new prostate cancer test.
Dr MIstry had the TP biopsy at Spire following a PSA test (Prostate-specific antigen) a blood test, which showed raised levels.
Following the biopsy at Spire, Dr Mistry was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had 20 sessions of radiotherapy and is now cured.
“I’m lucky it was caught early and had not spread. The cancer was confined to the prostate gland. I would say to others who might be concerned about having the test; don’t ignore the symptoms and there’s no need to be anxious, the test is for your benefit. Catch it before it can spread.”
Spire Leeds Hospital is the first private hospital in the region to offer patients the new innovative ultrasound biopsy procedure for prostate cancer testing.
The TP prostate biopsy (Transperineal biopsy) ultrasound equipment is so targeted it can sometimes detect cases that other tests might miss. It also dramatically improves the patient experience and, thanks to new technology, is performed under local, rather than general anaesthetic, allowing patients to attend as a day patient rather than requiring an overnight stay in hospital.
Mr William Cross, consultant urologist at Spire Leeds Hospital said, “Having a TP biopsy at Spire will help ensure early detection of prostate cancer, which is crucial to providing treatment quickly and boosting survival rates.
“Prostate cancer can be cured when detected and treated early.”
Dr Oliver Hulson, consultant radiologist at Spire Leeds Hospital said, “This new procedure is safe and accurate.
“Covid-19 pandemic will have knock-on effects on diagnosis and treatment for prostate cancer for some time to come.”
Mr Cross and Dr Hulson are on a mission to ensure as many men are made aware of this service as possible. Mr Cross said, “Early detection is vitally important. Men, and their partners, need to know about this. Early prostate cancer rarely causes symptoms and therefore if they are concerned about their risk they should discuss this with their GP.”
Prostate cancer is now the most commonly diagnosed cancer in the UK, having overtaken breast cancer. One in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime and the numbers are rising with more than 47,500 men diagnosed with the condition every year. The new test involves an ultrasound-guided needle biopsy that looks for cancer cells in the prostate and takes samples which are later examined under a microscope.